
Love through eyes

 In the realm of passion's dance, where bodies intertwine, There exists a fire, a connection, beyond mere flesh's design. For intimacy blooms in countless hues, a symphony of desire, Where love's sweet flame ignites, set ablaze by hearts afire. Let us explore the poetry of touch, in whispers soft and light, As fingertips become verses, caressing secrets through the night. Each gentle stroke, a stanza writ, upon the canvas of our skin, Awakening dormant senses, a sensual journey to begin. In tender whispers shared, the language of longing takes flight, Words floating like butterflies, weaving tales of sheer delight. The warmth of breath against the ear, a sensuous melody's call, Ignites the embers of arousal, as bodies entwine and enthrall. The dance of lips, a poem in motion, with every gentle kiss, Unspoken verses intertwine, as souls find heavenly bliss. A language born from hunger, from passion's potent brew, As tongues become poets, crafting verses of pleasure a

My Disorder

 In the depths of my being, a tempest brews, A relentless storm, a battle I must choose, Bipolar disorder, a foe deep within, A relentless struggle, where I fear I can't win. It creeps and whispers, distorting my mind, Leaving me searching, longing to find, The real me, buried beneath the waves, But bipolar disorder, it claims and enslaves. In moments of mania, I soar to great heights, Unleashing my spirit, embracing the lights, But in the euphoria, a danger resides, A loss of control, where sanity hides. And when the darkness descends, oh, so deep, I'm swallowed by shadows, unable to sleep, Depression's embrace, suffocating and cold, Drains me of life, numbing my soul. I yearn for stability, a steady ground, Where the real me can always be found, But bipolar disorder, it taunts and it maims, Leaving me fragmented, forever in chains. Yet within this battle, a strength does arise, A resilience within, that refuses to compromise, For I am more than this disorder's name, I


In a world of passions and desires untold, I stand, unique, in a different fold, For I am a being, a soul that's free, Embracing the colors of asexuality. In a realm where flames of attraction burn, I navigate the tides, with lessons learned, For my heart beats not in romantic fire, But in the warmth of self-discovery, I aspire. My identity blooms, like a gentle flower, Asexuality, my truth, my power, Unburdened by the pressures to conform, I embrace my essence, in its purest form. In a society that champions love's embrace, I find solace in my own sacred space, For I am whole, without the need to possess, I revel in the beauty of self-contentedness. My worth is not defined by a romantic chase, But in the depth of my character, the light on my face, I navigate relationships, unique and true, With emotional bonds, not defined by a cue. I am the embodiment of love that's platonic, The embrace of friendship, genuine and chronic, My heart seeks connections, beyond the physical,

I wish to be crafted

 I wish to be crafted, a masterpiece in hand, Sculpted with care, by a skilled artisan's command, Fashioned from raw materials, molded with grace, Into a creation that time cannot erase. Let the hands that shape me be gentle yet bold, Crafting my essence, as secrets unfold, Carving my features with precision and art, Breathing life into me, giving me a fresh start. I long to be chiseled, with every strike and blow, A transformation from formless to a radiant glow, Revealing my potential, my hidden layers untold, Unveiling the beauty that lies within, bold. With each stroke of the brush, let colors arise, Painting my canvas, reflecting my soul's ties, Blending hues of passion, and dreams yet to be, Creating a portrait that captures the real me. May the threads of destiny weave through my frame, Stitching together a story, both timeless and tame, Embroidering tales of resilience and grace, Embarking on journeys, no path can erase. Shape me like a potter molds the clay, Filling me

Fake Women Empowerment

 In the realm of masks and shallow veneer, Lies a notion, twisted and insincere, Where words are spoken with a hollow intent, And true empowerment becomes dissent. A facade of strength, they proudly wear, Yet beneath the surface, an empty air, A charade of support, with hidden disdain, Leaving authenticity to wither and wane. Fake women empowerment, a mere disguise, A play on emotions, veiled in lies, Where slogans are chanted without true belief, And actions fall short, causing only grief. In this realm, empowerment is a trend, A marketable concept, a means to ascend, But when the spotlight fades, the truth unfolds, Empty promises, tales left untold. Genuine empowerment is more than a show, It nurtures hearts and minds to help them grow, It lifts the silenced voices, fuels their fire, And fuels true change, never to expire. It breaks down barriers, shatters the mold, Inspires the spirit, makes the stories bold, It stands for equality, justice, and rights, Unveiling the darkness, ignit

Titan's Burden

 In the realm where giants tread, A world of dreams and fears widespread, There lies a truth, a tale untold, The cost of being Titans, bold. Majestic beings, towering high, With strength that touches the sky, They command the winds and seas, Their prowess brings both awe and unease. Yet in their grandeur, there's a price, A burden carried in sacrifice, For every step, a heavy toll, Their hearts and souls, they must enroll. The weight of power they must bear, The constant struggle, the endless stare, Their dreams, ambitions, boundless might, Demanding sleepless days and nights. Their hearts entwined with mortal woes, As empathy in their hearts arose, For to be great, to reach that height, Is to share the pain of every plight. Amidst the cheers and adoration, There lies a secret desperation, For Titans walk a lonely path, Their hearts entangled in a wrath. The cost of being Titans true, A fate they cannot undue, To stand above, they must descend, And feel the sorrow that won't me

Asphalt Road

 In a world of tar and stone, where tires tread, Lies an asphalt road, winding ahead. Beneath the sun's embrace, it glistens bright, A path that beckons with its ebony might. Its surface bears the marks of journeys past, Of countless travelers, their shadows cast. Footsteps and wheels, imprints side by side, Tell tales of wanderlust and dreams worldwide. Through urban sprawls and nature's grand design, This blackened ribbon stretches, intertwined. Connecting hearts, bridging gaps afar, In every crack and curve, stories spar. On moonlit nights, it shimmers like a stream, A midnight river of tireless gleam. Yet, tender it remains in sun's harsh heat, Enduring trials with strength so sweet. Oh, asphalt road, a symbol of our drive, Where freedom, hope, and aspirations thrive. Through miles and years, you stand tall and true, In poetry of life, forever new.