I wish to be crafted

 I wish to be crafted, a masterpiece in hand,
Sculpted with care, by a skilled artisan's command,
Fashioned from raw materials, molded with grace,
Into a creation that time cannot erase.

Let the hands that shape me be gentle yet bold,
Crafting my essence, as secrets unfold,
Carving my features with precision and art,
Breathing life into me, giving me a fresh start.

I long to be chiseled, with every strike and blow,
A transformation from formless to a radiant glow,
Revealing my potential, my hidden layers untold,
Unveiling the beauty that lies within, bold.

With each stroke of the brush, let colors arise,
Painting my canvas, reflecting my soul's ties,
Blending hues of passion, and dreams yet to be,
Creating a portrait that captures the real me.

May the threads of destiny weave through my frame,
Stitching together a story, both timeless and tame,
Embroidering tales of resilience and grace,
Embarking on journeys, no path can erase.

Shape me like a potter molds the clay,
Filling me with purpose, as I find my own way,
Let me be a vessel, brimming with dreams,
Overflowing with hope, bursting at the seams.

I wish to be crafted, like a poem on a page,
Words flowing freely, emotions engage,
Let me be a melody, composed with care,
Strumming hearts, stirring souls, everywhere.

For in the hands of the craftsman, I find my true self,
Transformed and polished, with abundant wealth,
A creation of art, a unique work of devotion,
I wish to be crafted, to live with such emotion.


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