

मै शून्य हूं,मै शून्य हूं, हां मै ही शून्य हूं, मैं सत्य हूं असत्य मैं मैं नाश हूं निर्माण मै मैं ज़िन्दगी का मूल हूं मानव तेरी भूल मै मैं तो एक वरदान हूं मानव तेरा श्राप मै मैं शून्य हूं मैं शून्य हूं हां मै ही वो शून्य हूं मैं ओम हूं ओमकार मै मैं ही ईश हूं और तेरी पुकार मै मै इकाई हूं, और स्थाई मै हां मैं ही वो शून्य हूं जो बसा तेरी हर आवाज मै मैं ईश हूं और काल मै मैं लौकिक हूं अलौकिक मै मैं ही ब्रह्म हूं और शंकर मै मैं पूर्ण हूं और तेरा विकार भी मै मैं शून्य हूं, मैं शून्य हूं हां मैं ही एक शून्य हूं मैं ही जीवन का आगाज़ हूं मानव तेरा संस्कार मै मैं ही बिछा तेरी शरशय्या हूं क्यूंकि ईश की पुकार मै मैं सुबह हूं और रात मै सृष्टि की बसी हर आवाज़ मै कोयल की कूक हूं और कौवे की आवाज मैं, मैं ही शून्य हूं, मैं शून्य हूं हां मैं ही वो शून्य हूं मैं सृष्टि का निर्माण हूं मैं सृष्टि का विनाश मैं हां मैं ही वो शून्य हूं क्यूंकि ईश की हर आवाज मैं

Proposing once again

While walking down the street, We found our coffee shop, Where we use to come out to chill after work. We were the best friend of those days, But I don't know, When I smote on her. She was a confident and exuberant lady. Where I am timid and ambiguous, I set the stage to propose her, I am ambiguous whether she is going to accept my proposal, She silently comes close to me, And ask in euphony, Will you marry me? I couldn't resist her and, I said yes to her. It's now for 49 years of a proposal, We get married, We shared our two-edged life, We share our journey round the clock, And now I am feeling nostalgic, To go down memory lane, And I am proposing to you, my mate, for the next fifty years.

2020 a big smear

It's gloom for ourselves, For what we are toiling, Is about to culminate, And the graph of growth is about to wane, It's a plight of our dream, Lockdown is a big tyranny, And the year 2020 is a big smear in humans life. Everyone wants to get rid of as fast as they can, But this deceitful Covid-19, Always comes with a new mask, To show a cynical image of our society, People are now ambiguous, Because hunger becoming rambunctious, And penny is about to end, It's a big prevarication to ourselves, To have a euphemistic dream, This catastrophe and portentous year about to end, We are not aloof if we procrastinate, Our posterity recall us into tears, Because we will give them a smear future.

I wish

I wish I have a castle of my own. I wish my castle builds in the lap of mother earth. Serene atmosphere, Flowing rivers, Blooming flowers, I wish that this be my surrounding where I dwell. I am fed up with my job. Always run after work, Always engaged in fulfilling the goal of the company, There are many things that I pilled up to do. But due to goals, I am unable to do. I spoiled my life running for money, And forgot what I wished to do in my life, Now it's high time to fix up my torn dreams. It is a big resurgence that turns out my life. That created by the turbulence of the midnight storm, And to redefine the new meaning of life.


Every morning I woke up early. I try to find out myself, I tried to have a chat with myself, To console for the pain that you bear the whole day, I am the man of the house, I must work hard and feed my family, It's my job to protect my family from every odds, but I am not allowed to cry from rambunctious pain, That's why I wore a mask whole day along, That to hide my pain from which I daily go through.


An Ugly you, An ugly me This world seems ugly to me, Everyone believes in crab culture. No one believes in love, Neither to respect each other, Everyone is ready to betray you right now, Even though you are emotionally broken, And not able to stand anyhow, The World even look like ugly in my dreams, Everyone here wore a mask on his face. To hide their real intention and real face, Everyone is ready to stab you at back, And robbed your worth which you earned by giving blood and sweat, Now the world seems to be a tough place to live, Because everyone is running in a race which has no end, Brutal and cannibalism are developing trends, Anger, Cruelty, hatred now become personified look, What do I say now? The World seems to be the ugliest place to dwell now.


मै सत्य हूं असत्य भी मै मै ईश हूं और नाश भी मै मै ज़िन्दगी का मूल हूं मानव का एक शूल भी मै मै वरदान भी हूं मानव का श्राप भी मै मै शून्य हूं मै लौकिक भी हूं मै अलौकिक भी मै मै ब्रह्म भी हूं शंकर भी मै मै आज भी हूं और मानव तेरा कल भी मै मै शून्य हूं मै पूर्ण भी हूं अपूर्ण भी मै मै गुनक होके एक सकल रूप दूं मुझे से विभाजित होके मानव तेरा एक अलौकिक स्वरूप बनूं मै ही परब्रह्म हूं हां मै ही शून्य हूं