
An Ugly you, An ugly me
This world seems ugly to me,
Everyone believes in crab culture.
No one believes in love,
Neither to respect each other,
Everyone is ready to betray you right now,
Even though you are emotionally broken,
And not able to stand anyhow,

The World even look like ugly in my dreams,
Everyone here wore a mask on his face.
To hide their real intention and real face,
Everyone is ready to stab you at back,
And robbed your worth which you earned by giving blood and sweat,

Now the world seems to be a tough place to live,
Because everyone is running in a race which has no end,
Brutal and cannibalism are developing trends,
Anger, Cruelty, hatred now become personified look,
What do I say now?
The World seems to be the ugliest place to dwell now.


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