Silent tears that remain unheard

 In solitude, a silent stream does flow,

A river of tears, with no sound to show,

From depths unseen, emotions well,

The heart's lament, a tale to tell.

No words to speak, no cries to hear,

Just droplets falling, crystal clear,

Each tear a story, untold, unsung,

In the quiet of night, where dreams are hung.

The world may not witness this heartfelt pain,

The tears shreadded, like gentle rain,

Yet within these drops, a universe thrives,

A myriad of emotions, where the soul derives.

In silence, strength, in tears, release,

A bittersweet sorrow, a sense of peace,

For in the stillness, hearts do mend,

And find solace in tears they send.

So let the tears flow without a sound,

In this sacred moment, may healing be found,

For in the depths of each tear shed,

Lies a journey of the heart, widely spread.

Through wordless weeping, spirits rise,

A cathartic dance beneath the skies,

And as the tears glisten, like stars at night,

They carry the burden of sorrow's might.

So, shred those tears in silence profound,

In the depths of your soul, where they're found,

For within these tears, a strength resides,

To embrace life's tides as it collides.


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