Divorced childhood Echoes

 In shadows of yesteryears, my childhood dwells,

A bittersweet tale of innocence and strife,

Divorced from joys that memory foretells,

Its tender bonds sundered, lost in life's rife.

Once, laughter danced upon the golden sands,

As youthful dreams adorned each vibrant day,

In fields of wonder, time held gentle hands,

Where carefree souls would eternally play.

But alas, fate's decree tore love asunder,

Divorcing mirth from my tender soul's core,

Innocence shattered, torn asunder,

A child's heart weeping, forevermore.

Yet though childhood's union may be undone,

Its echoes linger, whispering of the sun.

Oh, how I yearn for that divorce to fade,

For innocence to reclaim its rightful place,

To mend the wounds that memories have made,

And find solace in a forgotten embrace.

For though the past has severed childhood's ties,

Its essence remains etched upon my heart,

The laughter, the wonder that once filled my eyes,

Still echoes within, refusing to depart.

Through the veil of time, I catch glimpses rare,

Of a child's spirit, pure and uncontained,

Unfettered by the burdens that life may bear,

In dreams and memories, love is retained.

Childhood may be divorced, but never lost,

Its legacy endures, at any cost.


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