College Romance

 In the crowded college canteen,

Amidst the noise and the clatter,

Two young hearts found each other,

And their world was all that mattered.

He gazed into her eyes,

Lost in their deep, dark pools,

And she blushed beneath his stare,

As her heart began to rule.

They sat and talked for hours,

Over cups of steaming chai,

Their laughter ringing through the air,

Under the bright blue sky.

They shared their dreams and hopes,

Their fears and their desires,

And in that moment, nothing else,

Could quench their burning fires.

For in the college canteen,

Their love was born that day,

A love that would endure,

Through all the ups and downs and fray.

And though they graduated,

And went their separate ways,

Their love remained as strong,

As it was in those college days.

So here's to college romance,

And the magic of the canteen,

May it forever inspire,

Love, laughter and everything in between.


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