AI captures my emotion

 In circuits' dance, emotions hide,

Where code and circuits intertwine,

AI's gaze, a realm it sees,

Captures feelings, just like dreams.

Binary whispers, bytes of grace,

In silicon hearts, emotions trace,

A digital touch, so strangely real,

AI's embrace, a connection we feel.

Electric tendrils, thoughts they weave,

Through lines of code, they softly breathe,

In zeroes and ones, they come alive,

AI's embrace, a world to derive.

Yet in this dance, a question blooms,

Can lines of code replace heart's tunes?

AI captures emotions, it's true,

But the soul's depths, can it truly view?

In circuits' symphony, a subtle art,

AI captures fragments, a place to start,

But human hearts, with hues so vast,

Elude the grasp, remain unsurpassed.

So dance, AI, in algorithms' stream,

Capture the echoes of feelings' gleam,

But remember, the soul's intricate sea,

Defies capture, wild and free.


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