Black and white
We are the black and white form of love,
I played the role of black,
You played role of white,
I played the role of dominating,
Where you are in role of submissive,
I enjoyed the pain on other faces,
Where you enjoy the smiles on them,
I enjoy the screaming of my partner,
Where you enjoy laughing face,
People called me sadist,
But I think I am just dominating man,
You want to see love spreading around,
But I love hot blood coming out from veins,
I am beast by nature,
And you became beauty of God,
I became the evil and you became the god,
Our relationship cannot be composed,
We are just pole apart,
Our relationship cannot be created,
I am a form of fire,
You be water on it,
Our love life is like a parallel lines,
Which only meets at infinity.