About that night

 Allow me to travel my tongue,
To all depth and edges of your body,
Allow me to put your breath on fire,
So that the hunger and craving became more strong,
Allow me to raise the intensity of intercourse,
So that the beast inside us gets totally satisfied.

The fragrance and heat still  in the room,
The aroma of roses from blanket,
The wrinkles and bloat on the bed sheet,
Scratches on my neck and n your shoulder,
Broken legs of the bed,
And chocolate all around,
Tells the story of that night very loud,

I wish that curtains make room soundproof,
Because of the euphony of your moaning,
Which comes when I hit the nodes on your navel,
My fingers play various beautiful nodes,
Whenever it reaches the depth and edges of your body.

You are just like that fairy that I dream,
Now I don't need anything seductive more than you,
The mole on your upper lip,
The nose ring of yours glitters more than the full moon,
Sweat on your navel rises my thousand hidden desires,
Puffed eyes of yours create the biggest turmoil inside,
That breaks all dams inside
And you get wet of all water flows
You are just like the metamorphism of my dream,
So I always worship you gently.


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