Party is over now

Party is over now,

We headed back to our schools,

We headed with new norms,

We are back on a track,

With thumping energy,

And a with the new lesson of town,

We survived in this obnoxious year,

We understand the values of humanity again,

We started thinking about us once again,

Because we are running a race for no cause,

We learned that we are residing with a beautiful family,

Who cares about ourselves,

We find the difference between the virtual and reality,

Now we have a true friend,

By whom we can share our emotions,

And they will not take advantage of feelings again and again, 

And with them, we can party night long,

We come close to our loved ones,

We get real friends,

We find the true partners,

That they had stood with us in obnoxious time,

Let's thank this obnoxious year

To teach us humanity again.


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