Urban jungle
I live in an urban jungle,
Where emotions are hanging at a cliff,
Everyone is busy with their stuff,
No one is caring about families,
Humans became more professional,
Humans became more insensitive,
Humans became crueller,
Humans now only value money,
Always a fake smile on his face,
Always ready to stab you at back,
Always ready to snatch your worth,
Always ready to harm you anyway,
Humans are the real animals,
Humans are the real devil's,
He always cares about himself,
Not even his families,
I live in an urban jungle,
Where everyone is valued from his use,
Even parents being kicked out from his house,
Because now they are of no use.
I live in an urban jungle,
Where people are lonely,
People's are so brutely trapped in himself,
Where he doesn't found his family,
I live in an urban jungle,
Where everyone is a part of the race,
Everyone is running to defeat others anyhow,
But the funny part of the race is there is no goal at last.