
 White is a colour of peace,

White is a colour of purity,

White is a colour of humanity,

White is the colour of being calm, 

White is also the of the colour of cleanliness,

White is also the colour of freshness,

White is also the colour of simplicity,

In short, white is the colour if being profound.

It resembles the power of society is now in your hands,

It resembles the supremacy of your structure in society,

It resembles to be ready for the change,

And takes humans to be the next level of serene.

It makes you now most responsible,

It makes you feel aged,

It makes you to feel like supremacy,

It makes you to feel like God.

It also shows that now you will alone at the top,

It also shows that you will be broken but you have to be strong,

It also shows that you will be isolated from being a normal human,

In the end, you will be a stark.


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