you are my rose

Are you the glitch in my emotions
or a chemical imbalance in my brain
whenever i saw you it makes oblivious from present
and your beauty remain imperishable in my brain

i just found the synonyms of you in roses
roses only became the poet's pen for love
velveteen petal of roses delinate about your lips
and your smile is so killer that
i remain stung adored and remain unsung

Beauty of roses is found of our happiness
Calm us from boisterous pain
Now no more sadness, ache or pain in our best
Happy to see your growth once again

Diapers, training wheels are your old mates
Now it's a time to get some new mate
Graduation school is waiting for you to start new chapter of your life
Be bold because you worthwhile

nineteen years have gone by now
you now became a beautiful lady
from where we saw
it's hard to imagine that my baby has grown 
she now own her own


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